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Are You Cyber-Secure? Take the Quiz to Find Out

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Are you cyber-secure? Is your data protected from phishing, insider threats, ransomware, and other cyber attacks? For most small and mid-sized businesses, cybersecurity has been pushed aside or tucked away in a back corner in favor of revenue-generating activities. In fact, according to the 2024 Cisco Cybersecurity Readiness Index, only 3% of organizations are considered mature in their use of cybersecurity protections. Despite this, 80% feel at least moderately confident in their ability to remain resilient in the face of a cyber attack. Could that confidence be misplaced? 

Prioritizing growth is a logical choice, but if you’re not prioritizing data protection and security, you could be leaving a back door wide open for a cybercriminal to stroll right in. 

How can you determine whether you’re truly cyber-secure? What do you need in your tech stack or internal policies to shore up any weak points? 

The good news is, you can quickly gauge your cybersecurity readiness by asking some straightforward questions. 

Measuring cybersecurity readiness

One of the easiest ways to assess your cybersecurity readiness is to take our brief cybersecurity readiness quiz and consult with one of our experts. We will guide you through the entire process and ensure you have all of the information you need to identify areas of risk, increase protections, and establish a long-term cybersecurity plan. 

Additionally, ask yourself (and your business) the following questions:

  • Do you have a documented cybersecurity and data protection policy? Is it updated?
  • Where and how often do you backup your data? 
  • Are your software patches up to date? 
  • Do all of your employees, partners, and any other person accessing business systems use multi-factor authentication? 
  • Do you have a zero-trust policy in place?
  • What are your access control and user permission policies? Are they updated? 
  • How often do you conduct employee cybersecurity training? 
  • Do you have a strong password management policy? How often must users update thier password? 
  • What do you currently use for a firewall? 
  • How are you monitoring activity? 
  • What is your response plan in the event of a cyberattack or data breach? 

These are just a few of the questions we recommend you consider when determining your cybersecurity readiness. It’s important to examine every aspect of your business’ digital footprint and the ways in which your organization will defend itself. 

By taking the time to assess your readiness now, you’ll save yourself from unnecessary data loss, reputational damage, financial loss, undue stress, and the insanity that naturally comes along with a data breach or ransomware attack. Our advice? Get ahead of it before it gets ahead of you. 
For a quick (seriously, it will take less than a minute of your time) way to assess your cybersecurity readiness, take the quiz and chat with one of our cybersecurity experts.

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