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5 Reasons Changing Your IT Support Is Worth It

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When was the last time you assessed your information technology (IT) support model? Whether you have an in-house team, rely on a managed service provider (MSP), or use a hybrid approach, many companies are reluctant to change their IT support structure. Often, businesses are deterred by the perceived challenges of transition — concerns about short-term disruptions, onboarding new vendors, or even just inertia from longstanding relationships with their existing teams.

While staying with the status quo might seem easier, it can cost you in ways that aren’t always obvious. From cybersecurity vulnerabilities to inefficiencies in IT management, poor IT support can hinder growth and leave your business exposed. Here are five reasons why changing your IT support could be the best decision you make this year.

1. Gaining access to advanced expertise

The IT landscape is constantly evolving. New threats, updated compliance requirements, and emerging technologies require deep, specialized knowledge. Unfortunately, many internal teams or legacy MSPs may not have the latest skills or tools to stay ahead of these changes.

Consider cybersecurity as an example. In-house teams might be proficient in maintaining day-to-day operations but may not have the bandwidth to implement multilayered security solutions or perform real-time monitoring for advanced persistent threats (APTs). An MSP specializing in cybersecurity can bring in-depth knowledge of zero-day vulnerabilities, endpoint protection, and incident response strategies that go beyond what traditional IT teams can offer.

For companies in highly regulated industries, keeping up with compliance standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is crucial. An MSP with deep compliance experience can ensure your systems are designed and maintained to meet these standards without risking fines or legal penalties.

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2. Improved response times and reliability

One of the most common pain points with IT support is inconsistent response times. Whether it’s a minor technical issue or a full-scale outage, delays in addressing IT problems can lead to frustrated employees, lost revenue, and damaged customer trust.

An under-resourced internal team might take hours or even days to resolve an issue simply due to the volume of tasks they handle daily. Alternatively, some MSPs offer slow, ticket-based systems that prioritize high-paying clients, leaving smaller companies waiting longer for support.

When you switch to a more responsive and reliable IT support provider, you gain access to service-level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee response times. Reliable MSPs often offer 24/7 monitoring with proactive support, meaning they detect and address issues before you even realize they exist.

3. Scalability to support growth

As your business grows, so do your IT needs. The problem with many internal teams is they’re often designed to handle the workload of a specific size or scope. When your company expands — whether through hiring new employees, opening new locations, or adding more digital tools — your IT infrastructure must expand alongside it.

Scalability is where switching to a more adaptable MSP or upgrading your current provider makes a real difference. A competent MSP can scale their services based on your evolving needs, adding resources like cloud infrastructure, additional security layers, or even temporary staffing to accommodate sudden growth spikes.

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4. Enhanced cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is no longer just an IT issue — it’s a business issue that impacts everything from customer trust to regulatory compliance. In 2023, the average cost of a data breach was $4.45 million, highlighting the dire need for companies to adopt proactive and robust cybersecurity measures.

Your internal team may have implemented basic security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software, but advanced cyber threats require more sophisticated defenses. A transition to a cybersecurity-focused MSP can help your company adopt a multilayered approach that includes real-time monitoring, threat intelligence, vulnerability management, and end-user training.

5. Greater focus on core business activities

When your internal IT team is bogged down by mundane tasks — such as help desk support, patch management, and routine system maintenance — their ability to focus on strategic projects that drive business growth is limited. Shifting to an MSP or upgrading your current provider allows your internal team to focus on core business activities.

By outsourcing routine IT functions, your internal IT staff can work on higher-value initiatives such as digital transformation, automation, and process optimization. This shift not only boosts their productivity but also allows your company to innovate and stay competitive. An MSP frees your internal resources from routine support tasks, enabling them to focus on initiatives that move your business forward.

Taking IT support to the next level

Change can be intimidating, especially when it involves something as critical as your IT support. However, staying with a provider that no longer meets your needs or limits your growth potential can be far more detrimental in the long run. By transitioning to a more responsive, scalable, and security-focused IT provider, your company can stay ahead of the curve and maintain its competitive edge.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your current MSP or transition from an internal team, the benefits of making the switch far outweigh the temporary discomfort of change. Invest in IT support that truly supports your business.

If you’re ready to take your IT support to the next level, GainSide offers comprehensive and scalable solutions tailored to your company’s unique needs. Learn more at

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